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Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Decatur, GA, USA

Partners F-J

Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence (Decatur, GA, USA)

GCADV believes that all people deserve the right to safety, peace, dignity, and the right to self-determination. We are working toward a vision that serves "All Of Us". A vision that not only looks to end domestic violence in Georgia, but a vision that works to end all forms of oppression, a vision that is working toward creating a "beloved planet". A planet where human-centered communities thrive, where there is sovereignty and interconnectedness, we everyone can bring their fullest and most true selves. 

At GCADV we believe that we must choose a radically hopeful future and direction where we makes choices out of abundance and gratitude. A future where we uplift humanity in ourselves and others. We are doing this by working to transform habits that get in our way, by practicing channeling fear and anger into powerful love, by being fierce, bold, and brave in the face of what may seem like insurmountable odds. 

We are working every day to lead with love and to generate leadership within our organization of people of color and people from historically marginalized and oppressed communities. We are also working to lift up those organizations that within and on behalf of those same communities. We are working to transform privilege into action and risk-taking so that we can help to grow a movement of solidarity bigger than the sum of its parts. We are standing with Black resistance, Muslims, domestic workers, queer and trans people, and with indigenous and First Nation people so that they can have liberation!
“WE Begins With ME”



Decatur, GA, USA

