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Giraffe Heroes Project

Langley, WA, USA

Partners F-J

Giraffe Heroes Project (Langley, WA, USA)

Why are we doing this?

To spread Giraffe heroes’ stories as a way of inspiring more people to become active citizens, thereby fostering the health of our democracy. We believe that—


“Nothing is so contagious as an example.
We never do great good or great evil
without bringing about more of the same
on the part of others.”

~ La Rochefoucauld


A delightful fallout of the process is finding how inspired the Giraffes themselves often are, telling us that being acknowledged has given them the boost they need to keep going.

The Giraffe Heroes Project "EnCourages today's heroes and trains tomorrow's." On our website we deliver to the world a free online database of compassionate, courageous, heroes' stories and a story-based curriculum that guides K-12 students in lives of caring, brave service. Our Giraffe Heroes International has established Giraffe operations around the world, each of them finding and telling the stories of their nation's compassionate heroes. Our materials for middle schools are now available from our website for free downloading, and we hope to have our K-2 program online by the end of 2014. Charter Partners are joyfully invited to take and use our work.


Giraffe Programs

Moving kids to be courageous,
caring and responsible members of the community
Telling them about real heroes
Giving them something to say Yes! to 

In classrooms all across the United States and in American schools abroad, Giraffe programs give schools and youth groups a powerful approach to kids, one that fosters courageous compassion, active citizenship and academic success.

Our materials were developed to reach kids from 5-year-olds through the teens, from kindergarten to past high school. All Giraffe programs combine service-learning, character education, civic engagement and, in Voices of Hope, literacy training. All feature the stories of Giraffe Heroes—the real people honored by the Giraffe Heroes Project for sticking their necks out for the common good.

The teaching guides are divided into binders for grades K-2, 3-5, 6-9 amd 10-12. Our basic progression in these programs is Hear the story, Tell the story, Be the story. It's sound pedagogy, using the power of story to engage young hearts and minds, constantly drawing forth their own concerns and their own creativity and altruism. Throughout the process, they find and use the many academic skills they need to achieve goals they've set for themselves.


Find Heroes Right Now ~ Hundreds of Free Stories!

If you'd like to have heroes' stories to tell your students, or if you want them to do some research on their own, there's a storybank of real heroes here, not pop stars or bulletproof guys in capes but actual people of all ages, races and locations who have stuck their necks out for the common good. It's set up in standard database form and is searchable by gender, age, location and by the general problem-area the person has worked on. It's open to you and your students, right now.



Langley, Washington, USA



Giraffe Heroes Project

Facebook page: Giraffe Heroes