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Global Education Conference and Network

Chicago, IL, USA

Partners F-J

Global Education Conference and Network (Chicago, IL, USA)

The Global Education Conference is a collaborative, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for building education-related connections around the globe while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity.

The conference seeks to present ideas, examples, and projects related to connecting educators and classrooms with a strong emphasis on promoting global awareness, fostering global competency, and inspiring action towards solving real–world problems. Through this event, it is our hope that attendees will challenge themselves and others to become more active citizens of the world. Let us learn, question, create, and engage in meaningful, authentic opportunities within a global context!

Both pedagogy and technology play significant supporting roles in this event, but this is neither an ICT conference nor a general education conference. Individual tools and content–area subjects should be addressed within the context of 21st century skills–based projects and initiatives that present global opportunities for connecting, collaborating, and taking action. Our audience is primarily K-20 educators, students, organizations, and other stakeholders interested in global education. The primary language of the conference will be English, but presenters are strongly encouraged to present in their native languages. Translations are not a possibility at this point, but we hope to explore this in the future.


About This Community

Please join students, parents, teachers, administrators, higher education professionals, non-profit organizations, consultants and businesses here to find common interests related to global education.


Our purpose is to bring people together in order to build the professional relationships necessary for effective collaboration related to global education topics.

Originally named the Global Education Collaborative, this network has been re-named the Global Education Conference Network to reflect consistency with the title of the conference. Started in 2007 by Lucy Gray, our community now includes over 11,000 members interested in global collaboration.



Chicago, IL, USA