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Global Game Changers

Louisville, KY, USA

Partners F-J

Global Game Changers Children's Education Inititiave (Louisville, KY, USA)

Who We Are

Global Game Changers is a superhero-themed education program that teaches kids how they can have fun and make the world a better place. The program inspires children from Pre-K to Fifth Grade through a compassion-based curriculum that adheres to Common Core State Standards and NAEYC Early Childhood Standards. It provides the tools to cultivate each child's personal connection to giving back by showing kids that when they combine their talents with a cause that they care about, they can be real-life superheroes.


Our Mission

To create a sustainable culture of compassion amongst ALL youth around the globe through an education curriculum that nurtures a lifetime of giving back and inspires our youngest citizens to be catalysts for change in the world by combining their talent and their heart to create their very own superpower.


Our Vision

To grow a young generation of kids who embrace Ignite Good!™ and as a result will grow up to be healthier, happier, more empowered, more productive, more charitable, more compassionate, and more responsible individuals throughout their lives.


Make Learning Fun

The launching pad for our program is a storybook that introduces a team of fictional superheroes whose leader, Global Girl, her sidekick, Little Big-Heart, and their trusty dog Pixel recruit real-life kids, who are doing good things for others without expecting anything in return, to join their alliance. Along the way they encounter and battle Krumi, a dark cloud, who represents apathy. We use superheroes in our curriculum because they are fun and engaging, and because superheroes have a reputation for coming to the aid of people, which is the very lesson we are trying to teach children. We illustrate that one doesn’t have to be a billionaire, have been bitten by a radioactive spider, or born on the planet Krypton to be a superhero with the power to save the world.


Teach Compassion

The cornerstone of our program is our simple equation: MY TALENT + MY HEART = MY SUPERPOWER! To identify “MY HEART,” we have created twelve different charity badges that children learn about, including: animals, arts, bullying, education, environment, elderly, health, hunger, poverty, rescue, veterans, and general. The equation teaches the very youngest students to become contributing and compassionate citizens. We emphasize that “contributing” does not always (or even most often) mean a donation of goods or money; instead there are many ways for children to make a difference, among them: their deeds, their choices, and their words.

We teach children not to forget the small in pursuit of the large. We reinforce that small, consistent acts of kindness pave the way for a lifetime of giving back and making the world a better place and being a better person. The message of engaging in personal acts of kindness, generosity, and charity part of their DNA is integral to the GGC. We challenge children to use their superpowers every day.


Develop the Whole Child

Global Game Changers provides a strong character foundation for developing the Whole Child with a program that supplies teachers the tools to foster a home-school connection. It utilizes a strength-based approach that encourages teachers to differentiate the gifts of each individual student and thereby improve his/her engagement in the learning process. Studies show this approach allows students to succeed emotionally, socially, academically, and civically, thereby building their confidence and empowering them to know they can make a difference.


Enhance Student Success

The Global Game Changers program adheres to NAEYC & Common Core State Standards for Language Arts, allowing children to improve their literacy skills while learning about giving and compassion. Students engage in a variety of robust activities that test and strengthen their reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills. By focusing on the values of compassion and giving back, the program also helps to create a positive classroom climate, which improves student achievement across the board. Beyond school, students are prepared for their role and responsibilities as local, national, and global citizens.

We hope our curriculum inspires a young generation of givers around the globe, who can answer the question, "What's your favorite way of giving back?" just as easily as they could tell you their favorite school subject, sport, or game. Research shows that the young citizens who learn about and engage in giving back will grow to be happier, healthier, more successful, and more compassionate older citizens. And our society needs to grow generations of citizens with these characteristics. Schools provide the one consistent vehicle for making the program available to ALL children. We are inspiring a future generation of Superheroes!
Our call to action to kids and parents can be found in the lyrics of our theme song, “Welcome to the Game.”



Louisville, KY, USA



Global Game Changers

Facebook page: The Global Game Changers