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Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Partners F-J

Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Why a Global Treaty for Living Wages?

What corporations don't want us to look at is that PROFIT COMES FROM SOMEWHERE.

It comes from the unprotected - from under-paid workers, over-charged consumers and resources, like valuable minerals and labor, stolen for pennies out of the back doors of deliberately destabilized countries.

A Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages will rein in human rights abuses and end slave-like conditions for workers everywhere. It will also render the practice of off-shoring jobs to foreign countries unprofitable, protecting domestic jobs here at home.

A Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages is necessary to ensure that communities around the globe are able to build infrastructure and control their own natural resources (including mineral rights and labor force) if democracy is to survive this current onslaught of corporate neo-feudalism.

The Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages is the Peace movement of the 21st Century! Sign the petition...and join the Digital March! We promise you won't get pepper-sprayed!



Los Angeles, California, USA



Facebook page: Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages