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Global Resource Bank

Partners F-J

Global Resource Bank (Global in scope)

Global Resource Bank is a direct democratic ecological, economic network of shareholders who value natural air, water, soil, light, plants, foods, shelters, habitats, organisms and climate in the natural-resource-based cryptocurrency, Eco. The GRB eco (e) medium of exchange gains everyone a sufficient, sustainable and secure eco income for life. GRB shareholders guide a human-computer eco-economic algorithm without states, politics, law, public debt, private banks, interest, fiat money, poverty, pollution, scarcity, hunger, war and climate change.

The people’s GRB network community of GRB shareholders monetize our natural resources. The GRBnet empowers all people to enjoy our birthright to the earth’s natural environment. The GRB algorithm rules the equitable distribution of our ecological medium of exchange e. The people’s natural medium of exchange GRB eco transfers life-sustaining ecological value. The global e investments in ecological restoration and GRB network grow our eco-economy.



Global in scope



Global Resource Bank