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Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Partners F-J (Salt Lake City, UT, USA)

Reciprocity and Interconnectedness

We all know the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” But, it doesn’t stop there. The idea of a great unifying theme of reciprocity and interconnectedness, such as the Golden Rule, has existed in a wide array of cultures for many-centuries.

The Golden Rule reflects not only considerations and kindness towards each other, but also regard for the laws of nature and the need for balance in our lives.

We began our project in November 2003 with the purpose of re-introducing this very important concept into people’s consciousness. Since its inception we have:

  • produced unique, one-of-a-kind broadsides featuring sixteen formulations of the Golden Rule and placed them into schools in our community.
  • worked with the Urban Crossroads Center and Senator Fred Fife (D) to introduce a Golden Rule resolution into the Utah Legislature to consider the Golden Rule as they enacted their duties.
  • created a packet of Story Starter Cards for use in the middle schools featuring mandala like drawings, golden rule related quotes and mini-biographies on those quoted.
  • commissioned a world-class magician to produce and perform a golden rule themed performance for an anti-bullying campaign at the middle school level.



Salt Lake City, UT, USA



GoldenRule Project: The Project

Facebook page: GoldenRule Project