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Happy to Serve

Hyderbad, AP, India

Partners F-J

Happy to Serve (Hyderbad, AP, India)

"Train up a child on the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it."


Happy to Serve is a hope center committed to serving the students from earlier education to degree education on the importance of the education in future in their livelihood in Andhra Pradesh, India “It is hard to underestimate the value of a good education. Technological advances and the desire to compete internationally make it important for young people to have an exceptional education. Even though the child is young, giving the opportunity to learn skills at a young age is a smart way to start educational journey. Understanding the importance of early education can help you make beneficial decisions for the children in coming days”

Socialization: Your child needs to be able to function within a group of children and adults. A good early childhood education program will allow your child to develop socially based on his age and development. Looking forward for a program that encourages parallel play for toddlers and one that helps the preschool to school and school to higher schooling children adjust to being at school for longer periods of time by encouraging parental involvement.

Benefits:The child can benefit by attending an early education program. A publication from a conference sponsored by the Happy to Serve states that high-quality childhood education helps your child be a responsible citizen, do well in school and make a greater contribution to society. The publication also states that children who do better in school are less likely to commit a crime. The investment we make in the child's early learning experiences benefits the child academically and socially. The relationship your child develops during his early childhood experiences has an impact on his growth and development. An early childhood education program that has highly-qualified teachers will give a pure care about the child inners skills development.

Outlook: 215 million children are forced to work as child labourers and are denied the right to attend school. One in every three children in developing countries is malnourished. One billion children are deprived of essential services like food, water, education, or health care. Officially, there are more than 750 million illiterate adults in the world; in reality, that number should be doubled. Literacy has become a hot issue in the India and internationally, with growing outrage that many children fail to learn to read and write. Globally, there are about 50 million more children in school today than there were just over a decade ago. There are still challenges in achieving universal access – more than 67 million children are still denied this basic right – but it is important we now also focus on ensuring that children in school actually learn. It is a violation of children's rights if they are in school year after year yet fail to develop basic skills.

To improve aviation safety through education, inspiration, and sharing the gift of life, it is a mistake to think schools will do everything alone. The biggest determinant of success in any school is the home environment. When children come from homes where both parents are illiterate, and there is nothing to read or reinforce their learning, they are likely to fail. If the school is an oasis of literacy in a village community, it is hard for children to develop literate habits or to value literacy practices.

Play is a joyful and cherished element of our childhood. Happy to Serve strongly believes that every child should experience the carefree, joyful energy of childhood. Unfortunately this is not naturally the case for every life. Happy to Serve manifests this belief by organizing Summer Camps for children growing up in developing countries. Through play and sporting activities; music and dance; role-playing and creative exercises, we offer these children a unique opportunity to freely express themselves and really feel what it means to be youthful. Experiencing all that the camps have to offer also inspires and broadens their horizon. Play is as fundamentally important for the development of a child as schooling and education. It allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination; dexterity; and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. We cannot be surprised that children struggle to learn, a safe and non-violent environment; a quality teacher; relevant education; and transparent, accountable schools. As we rightly focus on improving learning outcomes, let's avoid the fundamental mistakes above and work towards holistic, rights-based approaches to literacy in children.



Hyderabad, AP India