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Health & Harmony Wellness Education

Belle Harbor, NY, USA

Partners F-J

Health & Harmony Wellness Education (Belle Harbor, NY, USA)

The Health & Harmony Wellness Center provides a spectrum of holistic services, classes, and workshops to assist you on your individual journey to wellness.

Health & Harmony exist as one state in a person. A state of peace and equilibrium within that informs one’s intentions and actions. It is this state from which one can realize and actualize their own potential , their own meaning and purpose in life. Pursuit of one’s own unique meaning and purpose in life is an exquisite symphony of compassion and self-compassion, an array of expressions of signs and symptoms in the health of your body, mind and spirit. Opportunities and possibilities to achieve harmony within and without, in your internal world and your external world. The rhythms and cycles of life afford us the perspective taking of impermanence, the power of now, and the sublime bounty of our Whole Self to partake in the continuing creation of a culture of compassion for our good and the good of everyone involved. Health & Harmony is our Original state. To cultivate and dwell in that state moment to moment is an act of courageous compassion. Health & Harmony Wellness Education Center provides a space for accessing this state through an individualized approach to team-based healthcare with YOU at the center of care.



  • Raise awareness of the stress that causes dis-ease and the dis-ease that accompanies stress.
  • Offer alternative and complementary healthcare and mental health care.
  • Create a community of wellness and resilience.



Belle Harbor, NY, USA



Dr. Nancy Gahles

Facebook page: Health & Harmony Wellness Center