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South Paris, ME, USA

Partners F-J

H.O.P.E. (South Paris, ME, USA)

H.O.P.E. stands for Healing of Persons Exceptional. 

H.O.P.E. supportive groups began in 1987 in a general surgeon’s practice to help his patients find inner peace and compassion to help each other get on with their lives. H.O.P.E. is a beacon that lights the way through your problems to your possibilities. It is a Center for Attitudinal Healing, aware that attitudes can turn that beacon off; so we choose those that keep it lit.

Welcome to H.O.P.E. …where you find out who you really are… where we know that at the core of our being all humans strive to be healthy and whole—a process called healing; all of us are persons; and because no two of us are alike, we are all exceptions to each other…. Moreover, an intense, indomitable curiosity about life, health, and our spirituality has brought us to see that we are alive because the whole marvelous Universe is alive, and It’s not in the business of repeating Itself… we are, as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin told Jean Houston just before he died in 1955, “spiritual beings immersed in the human condition!”



South Paris, Maine, USA