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Huntsville Network for Urban School Renewal

Huntsville, AL, USA

Partners F-J

Huntsville Network for Urban School Renewal, Inc. (Huntsville, AL, USA)

The Huntsville Network for Urban School Renewal (HNUSR), Inc. is named for the Alabama city of its founding. For an organization that has a focus on the science and mathematics achievement of public school children, Huntsville is an appropriate founding city, having been named in 2012 by the National Science Foundation and Forbes magazine as the 4th Geekiest City in the nation because 16% of its workforce is employed in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) jobs.

The HNUSR was established in 2008 as an entity of the Teacher Service Center within the School of Education at Alabama A&M University, and filed for incorporation as a separate non-profit organization in 2012, under the leadership of Dr. Edward L. Jones, with generous support from the National Science Foundation. HNUSR supports and represents approximately 150,000 urban school children attending over 200 urban elementary, middle and high schools in 28 member-urban school districts in Alabama.

HNUSR helps urban children succeed and acquire the skills necessary to meet the Alabama and U.S. demand for diverse workers in STEM occupations both as professional scientists, engineers and mathematicians as well as skilled STEM workers in advanced manufacturing; utilities; transportation; mining and other technology-driven industries.

HNUSR achieves this goal through effective teacher preparation and professional development and through the provision of leadership training for urban school leaders, teachers and students. Through its internships and programs, HNUSR plays a key role in preparing instructional leaders, particularly in mathematics and science, who are effective urban school reformers. HNUSR also helps urban districts prepare students who have the confidence and academic abilities to pursue higher education in STEM disciplines, graduate and, ultimately, be employed as STEM professionals.

HNUSR is the only Alabama organization to provide scholarships, programmatic and capacity building support to over 200 Alabama urban public member-schools and its approximately 150,000 students. With about 66% of all public schools in Alabama being located in urban environments, HNUSR member-schools are a vital source of public education for Alabama’s underprivileged and underserved urban school students.



The mission of the Huntsville Network for Urban School Renewal (HNUSR), Inc. is to:

  • Partner with our member schools to increase access, retention and graduation rates of urban school students;
  • Increase the academic achievement of students in our member schools, particularly in mathematics and science; and,
  • Create and support opportunities for excellent students in our member schools to pursue post-secondary education for employment in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields.



Huntsville, Alabama, USA



The Huntsville Network for Urban School Renewal 

Facebook page: The Huntsville Network for Urban School Renewal