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Institute of Canadian Archives

Toronto, ON, Canada

Partners F-J

Institute of Canadian Archives (Toronto, ON, Canada)

The Institute of Canadian Archives (ICA) is a social capital building initiative focusing on increasing social cohesion through the art of storytelling. Our mission is to create, curate and celebrate diverse narratives which reflect Canada’s intercultural and interfaith harmony. We achieve these objectives by engaging seasoned professionals, young adults, community organizations and regional stakeholders in our capacity-building workshops, events and online arts campaigns.

Since inception, ICA content has touched upon pressing issues like anti-Semitism, anti-Catholicism, xenophobia, immigration, Islamophobia and hate speech. The significance of such stories aside, we are also cognizant of the resources available. In addition to creating digital stories, ICA has committed itself to curate like-minded narratives from across the myriad of international content available out there. The ICA team is comprised of professionals who have volunteered their time to contribute to the number of positive narratives available for public consumption. Our board members are men and women from diverse backgrounds who are renowned professionals in their fields. Our advisory board is a combination of young and seasoned professionals who continue to support, mentor and nurture our work.



Toronto, ON, Canada



Facebook page: Canadian Archives