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Integral Life Academy

Mexico City, Mexico

Partners F-J

Integral Life Academy (Mexico City, Mexico)

Integral Life is a social media hub documenting the rise of a unique 21st century renaissance occurring amongst visionary leaders, scientists, thinkers and artists around the world. It was founded in 2007 by Ken Wilber and Robb Smith.

People who live integrally are animated by pursuit of a deep purpose, knowledge and sophistication in their personal and professional lives. They demonstrate a capacity for self-awareness, perspective-taking, a diversity of interests, and a commitment to lifelong development. Integral awareness allows people to expand and deepen the experience of every moment, to make sense of the world, to include everything they are while leaving nothing out, and to wake up to the unifying truths that lie at the core of all human experience. Integral Life commits to helping its members live totally free in their immense diversity while embracing the full richness of the human experience in themselves and others. In short, Integral Life community members are leaders committed to extraordinary living.

Integral Life is the sponsoring organization of Integral Institute, a non-profit academic think tank that offers advanced education in Integral Theory and publishes the acclaimed Journal of Integral Theory and Practice.

Integral Life was founded to help people integrate their fragmented lives through greater freedom, love, awareness and understanding. Integral Life represents an ongoing, living promise for humanity: that we may live totally free in our immense diversity, while embracing the full richness of the human experience in ourselves and others.

Like everything else in this world, Integral Life is constantly evolving. One of the most important things we've been working on as we've evolved is an attempt to better articulate our Core Values—these are "new" only in the sense that we've recently made them explicit, because many of these have been ideals for the past 2 years. And now that we've done some introspection and captured these values on paper, they have already been rippling through our work, our lives, and our organizational culture. Each of these values is a daily practice and we've not mastered any of them—far from it!—but it is something we strive for every single day, and are getting better and better at as we go.

We are very pleased to share these core values with you all, and invite you to consider whether these values "light up" any of your own.



Mexico City, Mexico



Integral Life