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Integral Scientific Institution

Dallas, TX, USA

Partners F-J

Integral Scientific Institution (Dallas, TX, USA)

Integral Scientific Institute is a think tank launched to explore and effect the technological, social and economic transition to a more sustainable way of living on Earth. Our scientific, technological and management background allows us to apply an integrated approach that is rooted in systems thinking. Through our thought leadership and bold innovations, we are committed to providing practical solutions to environmental challenges.

Our Mission

At the Integral Scientific Institute, we are developing a unique, coherent paradigm of study and action that focuses on interrelationships between water resources, food production, energy security, transportation efficiency, and climate policy. Achieving an integral understanding of the water-food-energy-transportation-climate nexus is crucial if we are to take responsible actions toward making our social and economic activities compatible with having a sustainable natural environment.


What Does Compassion Have to Do with Our Work?

We believe putting science into compassion helps us to understand the inner workings of the kind of human behavior that is intended to benefit the other. The other side of that coin is putting compassion into science so that we can create a built environment that is compatible with the natural environment, which already comes with compassion built in. There is much we can learn using science to understand compassion. There is much we can do to feed that knowledge back into science and what we create using that science. The knowledge we gain must be used to put in place systems that mold the necessary substrates at the individual level for a more compassionate society. Without compassion, social malaise reigns, and anxiety and stress abound, leading to systems, where humans play a role, underperforming with wasted resources and more suffering.



Dallas, TX, USA



Integral Scientific