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International Peace Youth Group

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Partners F-J

International Peace Youth Group (Seoul, Republic of Korea)

The Declaration of World Peace

The Heavens and the Earth formed by the hands of the Creator have been given to humanity as an inheritance. In the entire universe, life in its vast splendor exists only on our world.

The life that grows on the earth is sustained from above – by light, by the rain, and by the air they provide unconditionally to all living beings. We have received the precious gift of life from above, let us give glory to heaven, and live in peace on earth. This is the truest teaching of heaven.

With this eternal gift – the grace and life we have received – are we entitled to fight, kill and destroy one another? We cannot claim to desire peace and continue to provoke one another, causing conflict for the sake of valuing our own national interests above those of others. This will only take the lives of the youth, wasting them in the futility of war. This is not a legacy we can leave to future generations. Of what use is a young life, born in our day and age, if it is thrown away in this manner – thrown away without having had a chance to bloom? What price can compensate for the loss of a life? Do these young souls have another chance at life?

As emissaries of World Peace; as people who are working towards the restoration of humanity through a new and heavenly culture, we declare the following:

We call on the heads of state of every country to sign an international agreement – a commitment to bringing all wars to an end. We ask them to do this from a spirit of deep-seated love for the people of their country.

We call on all youth to unite in an effort to stop wars and pursue the restoration of peace by agreeing not to fight one another. For World Peace to become a reality this is the duty of all youth, everywhere. The only way to stop the fighting and pointless, tragic deaths, is to stop fighting. Nobody can ask for anything greater than this, and know now that your efforts – the efforts of the young people of the world today in pursuit of peace – will remain as a never fading light of life for all future generations.

Furthermore, we call on every person, every man, woman, and child in the world, to pick up the mantle of peace. In whatever way you can, we ask that you work to further the cause of world peace and restoration, making it a reality in your direct environments.

International Peace Youth Group was formed from groups of young people coming together with the vision and determination to unite people across borders, cultures, languages and races. We aim to foster a spirit of appreciation and respect for the diversity of humanity, as well as for all individuals that create that diversity. IPYG started their work nationally in South Korea and mobilized thousands of youth across the country through their signature peace walk. It didn't take long before youth around the world recognized the efforts and importance of IPYG’s purpose and they too started hosting the peace walks with their youth.

IPYG has recently merged with the MANNAM International Youth Coalition (MIYC) which consists of a untied body of youth organizations from all around the world, bringing over a hundred more international affiliates to join forces with IPYG through their powerful peace-driven projects.

Organizations affiliated to IPYG will engage in collaborative projects throughout the year, meeting once or twice annually to participate in youth summits aimed at developing practical and sustainable solutions to the challenges facing us in the pursuit of peace. Everyone wants peace, so why has it not yet been attained? This is the kind of topic IPYG will address. We recognize that it is only with all of our seemingly small efforts combined that we can begin to see big results.

It is our goal to become a platform were all youth will be able to meet and encounter one another in a meaningful way through IPYG, and go on to make a great difference in the lives of people we meet in turn.



The purpose of IPYG is to create positive and lasting change internationally through uniting major youth associations around the world. We support of the development of their communities through all IPYG youth setting the example in educating and motivating their nation’s active pursuit of peace.



IPYG aims to unite the youth of every nation, and pave the way to a peaceful future for our world. We strive to do this through fostering a new culture of world peace, a heavenly culture that will respect and embrace the beautiful diversity of humanity and restore faith in mankind. Through a peaceful co-existence we can repay those who have shed their blood in countless wars, and bring an end to the hundreds of wars that divide the nations of this world. IPYG will walk this path of growth and change as one, united world youth.



Seoul, Korea



Facebook page: International Peace Youth Group