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Jewish Community Relations Council of Atlanta

Atlanta, GA, USA

Partners F-J

Jewish Community Relations Council of Atlanta (Atlanta, GA, USA)


The JCRC of Atlanta is committed to provide, on a non-partisan basis, a common table where members of the Jewish Community of Atlanta and other Jewish constituencies can convene and discuss issues that affect our community, Israel, and the Jewish people internationally, nationally, in our state or locally. The JCRC of Atlanta will strive to develop consensus on issues that affect our community.  Further, it will advocate for and support positions on issues, with conscientious respect for all members of our community.  The JCRC of Atlanta will support programs and activities in the Jewish and general community that are meaningful and connected with the traditional Jewish mandate of Tikkum Olam, repairing the world.


Primary Purposes

  1. To educate the Atlanta Jewish Community on issues affecting our community at all levels: local, state, national, and international.
  2. To provide a common table at which lay leaders, representatives of national organizations, synagogues representatives, and other interested parties can meet and discuss issues and work to arrive at consensus positions on those issues.
  3. To advocate at the local, state, national, and international levels, including with governmental departments and officials, for those positions on issues that the JCRC has determined are necessary or appropriate and in the best interests of our community.
  4. To educate about and to advocate support for the State of Israel.
  5. To work toward the integration into the JCRC of the functions previously undertaken by the CRC of Federation.
  6. To work with agencies and other groups to advocate for and support those issues where the aims and purposes of the JCRC and those agencies and groups are concurrent and consistent.
  7. To support those programs and activities in the general community, such as HungerWalk, which historically have been part of the work of CRC.
  8. To work closely with the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) and to participate in its leadership and mission.



Atlanta, GA, USA



JCRC Atlanta

Facebook page: Jewish Community Relations Council of Atlanta