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Mexico City, Mexico

Partners K-O

Kalimori (Mexico City, Mexico)

The residents of Kalimori are people who because of their intellectual conditions, need support for their complete social integration, since they may have problems with practical and conceptual processes.

Through this concept of functional intellectual disability, without adhering to any national or international measurement method, we are open to a wide variety of people with different types of intellectual disabilities, this diversity gives us competences and gives strength to our community.

With this said, we admit people who have a slight or moderate deficit in performing some of the following activities:



  • Problem solving
  • Planning
  • Abstract thinking
  • Decision making


Academic learning

  • Learning through oneself
  • Communication skills
  • Social participation
  • Independent life


The residents of Kalimori are under the supervision of others due to their intellectual limitations, however they have skills to carry out their daily activities, such as being able to communicate, self-control and self-regulate (physically and emotionally) that allows a healthy coexistence between our members.

We can conclude then that our residents who have a variety of intellectual deficiencies such as down syndrome, autism, learning difficulties, etc. They find in Kalimori a friendly space that allows them to live in a community, with work opportunities that give them peace and joy, giving them courage, independence and a better life opportunity.



Nuestra Historia

Somos un grupo de padres comprometidos con los adultos con discapacidad intelectual funcional, que buscamos proveerlos con alternativas de desarrollo integral.

Buscamos crear un espacio en donde puedan descubrir sus habilidades, eliminando las barreras sociales para que pueda surgir la mejor versión de cada uno de ellos.



Ser la mejor comunidad en México, que atienda las necesidades de adultos con discapacidad intelectual funcional.




Construir una comunidad integral que desarrolle las fortalezas y talentos de adultos con discapacidad intelectual funcional, en un entorno donde sean valorados y respetados.



Mexico City, Mexico


