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Kids At Risk Action

Minnetonka, MN, USA

Partners K-O

Kids At Risk Action (Minnetonka, MN, USA)

Kids at Risk Action (501(c)3 non-profit, is partnering with Minnesota Public Television (TPT) – movie trailer – to tell the INVISIBLE CHILDREN story through compelling interviews & information.

6 million children are reported to child protection services in the U.S. each year (58,000 in MN) MN ranks 47th for amount spent on children in child protection.

Only a fraction of abused children receive the help they need to lead productive lives. In MN 29% of children in protective services are sent back into abusive homes. 80% of these children are abused again while under court supervision & nationally, 80% of children aging out of foster care lead dysfunctional lives.


Submit Your comments, stories and child protection news. Start conversations in your community and raise your voice for the millions of abused and neglected children that remain invisible without you.



Minnetonka, Minnesota, USA



Invisible Children

Facebook page: Kids At Risk Action