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Lobby for Justice

Southall, LON, United Kingdom

Partners K-O

Lobby for Justice (Southall, LON, UK)

Why lobby for anyone's rights? We are not here on this planet alone, and if we ourselves don't stand up to care for each other, we should not expect anyone to do it for us, we each, as human beings have a responsibility to defend the basic rights of one another. 

"basic" is really just that,  

The right to survive by providing proper nourishment,

The right to practice one's religion, or even be identified by such in the respective country's constitution,

The right to justice,

The right to a fair legal trial,

The right to vote,

The right to education,

The right to health care and the list goes on Human Rights are not complicated to understand, they are what guarantee us survival, and a life that make us equal to each other, no matter what tribe, what caste, what color, what religion, what wealth we all possess, these  rights apply to ALL and anywhere. 



Southall, London, United Kingdom