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Main Street Vegan Academy

New York, NY, USA

Partners K-O

Main Street Vegan Academy (New York, NY, USA)

We get it: you're passionate. You're determined to bring about a vegan world. At Main Street Vegan Academy, we share this passion, and we know that equipping you for the task ahead demands a personalized, professional, in-depth experience. Because this is what it takes, this is what we offer -- live via Zoom, with all sessions fully recorded. Our commitment is to the provide excellence in plant-based training and vegan education, and support our graduates’ progress going forward.

Since our inception in 2012, we’ve realized that the training we provide is relevant not only for one-on-one vegan coaching, group classes, and outreach, but to vegan entrepreneurs of every stripe. In addition to coaching and teaching, our graduates are running plant-based companies, vegan shops, and restaurants, they are on staff at animal rights and health-promotion organizations, writing books, podcasting, and using their VLCE credential as part of a pre-existing profession in healthcare, nutrition, fitness, yoga, etc.



New York, NY, USA



Main Street Vegan