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Montessori Group

London, England, United Kingdom

Partners K-O

Montessori Group (London, England, UK)

The Montessori Group is a global leader in Montessori. It supports quality Montessori provision throughout the world through training; quality assurance; support for families and practitioners, and social impact.

With the child at the heart of all it does, the Montessori Group works with governments, families, organisations and Montessori practitioners to ensure that the Montessori approach is as beneficial to society in the 21st century as it was in the 20th century.

Dr Maria Montessori’s vision of an education system that allows the child to reach its full potential; that instils a love of learning and curiosity about the world that is life-long; that puts the child at the centre, is one that, we believe, is as viable and needed today as it was 100 years ago.

In a world of that is rapidly changing and undergoing a digital revolution, with the consequences for humanity as far-reaching as those of the industrial revolution, Montessori provides an alternative pedagogy that will prepare children for the world in which they are growing up.

From learning the skills needed for future work, to an understanding of the necessity of respecting the natural world around us; from respect for the diversity of others to self-confidence and emotional resilience – the Montessori pedagogy covers them all.

Our vision is a world where every child is given the tools to grow into adults who will have a positive and transformational impact on the world.

The Montessori Group is working in partnership with UNESCO-MGIEP on their #KindnessMatters campaign in 2021.



London, England, United Kingdom



Montessori Group