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Napa County Public Health

Napa, CA, USA

Partners K-O

Napa County Public Health (Napa, CA, USA)

Our Mission 

The Health and Human Services Agency’s mission is to foster a partnership of clients, community members and staff to create leadership, vision and advocacy for the evolving health and human service needs of the people of Napa County in a manner that:

  • Focuses on the strengths of individuals, families and neighborhoods;
  • Provides support for the most vulnerable members of our community;
  • Honors and enhances the gifts and talents of employees and community members who share this purpose;
  • Is ethical, culturally competent and accountable; and
  • Effectively integrates the resources of the entire community for the betterment of the whole.


We provide coordinated services from six divisions and collaborate with key community partners.



Napa Valley, CA, USA



County of Napa