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NYCNVC Compassion Course

New York, NY, USA

Partners K-O

NYCNVC Compassion Course (New York, NY, USA)

"The NYCNVC Compassion Course" is a comprehensive, online, one-year educational program that makes the skills of compassionate living available to anyone, regardless of economic and time constraints. Through our unique global format, participants can enjoy a meaningful sense of connection and expanded learning while preserving personal space and time. 

The course starts with foundational concepts and practices that help us understand what engenders compassion and what blocks it.As the year progresses, through practical steps, the course provides the "how to" of creating more connection, understanding and compassion in our daily lives... a way to create a world we will be happy to leave for our children's children.

Throughout the course we work on progressively deepening levels with self-empathy, empathy, emotional triggers, anger, beliefs, dialog, appreciation, requests and much more. By the end of the year, the course covers over 50 concepts and differentiations.

For ten years running this course has proven to be "life-changing", "fun" and "transformational" (check out the quotes below). Since 2010 we have served almost 30,000 participants, 6,000 this year alone, from over 120 countries, in 12 languages - and growing. Why so many participants? It works. (See sample weeks below).

In the same way that we humans have developed other technologies, the technology of compassion has developed too. This course provides clear, specific ideas and practices to help us experience more compassion, understanding, harmony and fun. That said, it is challenging and calls on our perseverance, practice, focus and dedication.

Through weekly email messages and monthly video conferences the course takes us on a four-season journey that empowers us to be more compassionate. Each message includes a concept, a story, and practices, plus access to message boards, archived messages, conference call recordings, documents, video content, special exercise pages and more.

The Compassion Course offers practice group support and has a self-organized, self-managed organizer/facilitator community. Course participants share course resources, including helpful links, exercises, message forums, monthly video conferences, 5 special training labs, empathy support and more. 


What People Are Saying

"It has changed my life radically, I'm still amazed. Relationships that were stuck in old patterns have become fluid, caring and loving. Perhaps, at sixty-six, to find a new love with my husband, a warmth and closeness with my children, it all seems like a miracle."

~ Compassion Course Participant


"Wahhhhhh Thom! I thought introspective awareness was a specialty I had received during 23 years of regular meditation and spiritual studies. However, without this Compassion Course, I would have never discovered alone, the depth of thinking regarding judgments. I have been trying so many things to realize the ignorance of a judgmental attitude, but the seed was still in me... just because I never experienced the Inner Power and the Wisdom that comes from understanding needs."

~ 2012 Compassion Course Participant.


"Working with Thom has changed my life. Really."

~ Nellie B.


“If I gave appreciation for everything Thom Bond has contributed to me, I wouldn’t have time for anything else.”

~ Marshall Rosenberg


"I'm communicating, listening/responding to others, and shifting the ways I think about my own feelings. I've had some big breakthroughs with my partner using some of the language I've learned; and have been able to see some intense feelings around my family as signals of needs I can address in my own life. And this is just the beginning..."

~ Deb C.


"Thom's style as teacher is one that is filled with personal stories and examples that are meaningful and thoughtful. He does not place himself above anyone else."

~ Elizabeth C.


"I could take this course for the rest of my life, and I might."

~ Barbara L.



New York, NY, USA



Compassion Course Online