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Older Women's Network (NSW)

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Partners K-O

Older Women's Network NSW (Sydney, NSW, Australia)

The Older Women's Network NSW is a Not for Profit association dedicated to promoting the rights, dignity and wellbeing of older women. We advocate and undertake research on issues of concern to older women - we empower women as they age!

Now a national association represented in NSW by around 20 member groups, OWN is a peak women’s organisation, recognised and consulted by all levels of government on issues that affect older women such as: homelessness & housing, employment, ageism & sexism and, domestic violence and other forms of elder abuse. 

In addition to our ongoing research and advocacy work, OWN have created a unique, network of centres that support the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of older women -OWN Wellness Centres. OWN Wellness Centres offer affordable programs of classes and activities that enhance and maintain older women’s wellbeing. They also offer a community hub where older women gather for connection and emotional support. OWN have six wellness centres - Bankstown, Blacktown, Sutherland, Wollongong (Coniston), Northside (Chatswood) and at OWN's Head office in Newtown. 

What makes all OWN groups unique is that they are community based, member groups run by older women, specifically for older women. As such, they offer a non-judgemental environment where older women feel safe to be themselves, make new friends and have fun. 

Membership to OWN is open to all women that identify as older. Members of OWN define the issues that are of primary importance to them as older women. We believe in a society rich in social capital, where mutual respect and trust are paramount, where diversity and debate are valued and where people and their networks have a legitimate voice.

We warmly welcome you to join us.



Sydney, New South Wales, Australia



Older Women's Network