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Orphan Care Organization

Lahore, Pakistan

Partners K-O

Orphan Care Organization (Lahore, Pakistan)

Orphan Care Organization (OCO) was created by the founders who personally witnessed the death of a mother who left two minor children during the coldest month of January. In such a hopeless situation, there was no one among the relatives willing to accept these poor children, a boy and girl. The worst happened when the father  married another cruel lady. The young friends were not in position to do anything but were angry with the injustice being done to the helpless and most vulnerable children. This experience became glaringly alive when their own families went through the same crises.

This inhumane behavior changed the purpose of their lives: Living life and making lives of the deserted ones meaningful through Formation & Transformation is the focus of OCO.  


Why Orphan Girl?

The cultural habits and worth attached but being neglected most makes her full of risks making all remaining aloof-all the more so as long as she is a minor-so the rest few left were OCO’s responsible ones accepting, respecting & appreciating these most vulnerable Minor Orphan Girl.


What We Do?

Providing shelter, medicines, clothing, education, recreational facilities, awareness, trainings and relief work, celebrations of national & international days, networking with women’s based and CBOs, NGOs, GOs & INOs.


Who is an Orphan?

She/he is the rejected baby/person no one responsible & willing to accept, respect & appreciate.



Orphan girls are home with all facilities, education for life, health care and capacity building.



Lahore, Pakistan



Orphan Care Organization