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Paint Love

Scottdale, GA, USA

Partners P-T

Paint Love (Scottdale, GA, USA)

Paint Love's mission is to connect artists and nonprofits for a positive impact on youth. We provide free art workshops for youth facing poverty or trauma by connecting professional artists with Title 1 schools and non profit organizations. 

Paint Love's very name is grounded in accordance with the main principles of the Charter. 

Paint: To paint means to cover. Just as an artist covers their canvas in color, so we want to cover those we are privileged to serve with love. Out of love, we teach lessons, donate supplies, share stories, give hugs, and provide words of encouragement to help our students fully embrace the masterpieces they were created to be. The word paint denotes action on our part. We are taking action to make a difference in the lives of youth. And, of course, we are using lots of real paint in the process!

Love: Regardless of profession, we believe we are called, first and foremost, to love others. Love provides a fertile ground for positive change and growth to happen. And in the context of art, it provides a safe environment for self-expression, acceptance, and even emotional healing. Because we love, we desire to bring these benefits to others. That’s why we’re assembling incredibly talented artists, generous individuals, and community organizations —to paint love through the powerful gift of art. The main purpose of Paint Love events is always to compassionately engage children across the spectrum of access in creative expression. A Paint Love project: has a foundation of excellence and strives to present something new and exciting to students that they haven’t experienced before; leans toward fine art rather than crafts- as low-income students often have less exposure to fine arts; is intentional and strives to fit one of the following themes: loving/ respecting oneself or others, seeking and strengthening positive relationships, and investing in community. By bringing art to underserved corners of our community, we strive to impact the lives of the youth we serve in big ways. Through social-emotional learning and skill building with our intentional themes, we connect our projects with a greater meaning and mission, attempting to not only expose youth to new artistic experiences and give room for self-expression, but to help holistically support their wellbeing. 



Scottdale, GA, USA



Go Paint Love

Facebook page: Go Paint Love