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Pathways to Peace

Larkspur, CA, USA

Partners P-T

Pathways to Peace (Larkspur, CA, USA)

Education Is the Foundation

“Let us pledge to teach our children the value of tolerance and mutual respect. Let us invest in the schools and teachers that will build a fair and inclusive world that embraces diversity. Let us fight for peace and defend it with all our might.”

~ UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon


Education is the foundation of a peaceful society. It builds literacy, respect, dignity and opportunity for all. On a planet of 7.2 billion, peace education—education that specifically promotes respect, empathy, mutual understanding, and conflict management skills—is more crucial than ever. This is even truer in developing countries, where often more than 40% of the population is under 14 and children who crave peace live amid conflict.

At Pathways To Peace we recognize that peace education is a vital tool in helping children find peaceful solutions to problems—and in raising a new generation committed to creating a Culture of Peace.


Who we Are

Pathways To Peace (PTP) is an international Peacebuilding, Educational and Consulting organization dedicated to making Peace a practical reality through both local and global projects. Incorporated in 1983, PTP is an official Peace Messenger of the United Nations and has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and works with the U.N. Centre for Human Rights, U.N. Centre for Human Settlements, UNESCO, UNICEF and other agencies. PTP is a tax-exempt, Social Profit, Non-partisan 501(c)(3) Corporation, (taxexempt ID# 68-0015625).


What we Do

Pathways To Peace works locally and globally to promote Peacebuilding, Education and to collaborate with other organizations in initiatives that help further our Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI). Our founder Avon Mattison developed CPI with then-Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations Robert Muller in 1983. The annual highlight of this initiative is the International Day of Peace (Peace Day), held annually on September 21. In addition to Peace Day, our signature initiatives for 2014 are the expansion of the Peace Education Resource Center (PERC) and the launch of our first City Peace Commission.



Larkspur, California, USA