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Paula Swenson - Zografis

Vila Nove do Ceira, Coimbra, Portugal

Partners P-T

Paula Swenson - Zografis (Vila Nove do Ceira, Coimbra, Portugal)

Paula Swenson creates art and workshops focusing on compassion for the environment and creativity as a channel for global communication and understanding of the interdependence of all living things.

Nature is a constant inspiration. Paula was brought up amongst forests, fields, lakes and streams. She learned to love and protect the wild places and creatures as she learned to walk, talk and draw.

Curiosity and exploration are the keys to a more creative world. Paula loves to share pathways that meander through creative spaces.

We are born creative. Too often we are educated in ways that ignore or worse, suppress that natural instinct. Part of Paula's mission is to revive slumbering creativity in others. The world needs more creative thinking, creative solutions to our climate crisis and our societal dysfunction.

Commissioned pieces of all sorts is where Paula's art journey started: designing masks, props and scenery for theatre + dance companies. Now it is more often illustrations or colouring pages. It’s a challenge that she enjoys - making someone else’s ideas visible.

Commissioned artwork is a collaborative process and a rewarding way to use her skills to help others communicate, connect, and be more fully present.



Vila Nove do Ceira, Coimbra, Portugal


