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Primary Compassionate Care Initiative

Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

Partners P-T

Primary Compassionate Care Initiative (Abuja, FCT, Nigeria)

Primary Compassionate Care Initiative seeks students interested in community medicine and enroll them into a six months mentorship program. This is run in three phases and with the aid of a technical advisory team drawn from all works of life. After the 6 month project, they help the students to identify a community need and design a project which we will fund for them within a specified budget allocation. 

The key to the development of leaders for the health care professions is mentoring. Both leaders and mentors need to develop their own self-knowledge, strategic visions for their own careers, engage in risk-taking, express creativity through all aspects of their lives, feel inspired and inspire others. 

Communication is central to a positive mentoring relationship and a successful role in a health care leadership position. Thus, when neophyte health care leaders have the opportunity to be mentored, the development of good skills will benefit them in their future. An important gift health care leader can give to their professions is to serve as mentors for those who will lead health care organizations and institutions into the next decades (culled from : Mentorship: the heart and soul of healthcare leadership. Jollen W Hawkins, Holly B Fontenot).



Abuja, FCT, Nigeria