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Sambhali Trust

Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

Partners P-T

Sambhali Trust (Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India)

Sambhali Trust is a non-profit charitable organisation based in Jodhpur, whose focus is the development and empowerment of women and girls in Rajasthan.

We provide underprivileged Rajasthani women and girls with an education in English, Hindi and Maths, as well as training in vocational and social skills, to support them in developing confidence and self-esteem, and help them work towards financial independence.

We work with women and children from all communities in Jodhpur and the rural Thar desert area surrounding Setrawa, who experience discrimination on a daily basis because of their low status in class, caste and gender. These women are greatly suppressed due to the patriarchal nature of their society and have little or no access to education. They are denied the right to choose their husband and often face a high level of verbal, physical and sexual abuse within their family circle and community.
This is why Sambhali Trust was born in 2007: to empower these deprived women.

We help these women break their cycle of poverty and financial dependence on family members, by teaching them valuable practical skills in order for them to earn a living.

We educate those who could not go to school because they are born female. We sponsor children from poor families so that they can continue going to school and break the poverty cycle. We provide women counseling and support when they are abused, left alone, blackmailed. Sambhali Trust gives them a voice and a support network to nurture their hopes and ambitions, which allows them the freedom to work towards an individual dream, a priceless gift in their oppressive social and economic situation.



Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India