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New York, NY, USA

Partners P-T

Soliya (New York, NY, USA)

Soliya is a pioneering non-profit organization using new technologies to facilitate dialogue between students from diverse backgrounds across the globe. Our flagship program, the Connect Program, uses the latest web-conferencing technology to bridge the gap between university students in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and the United States. In a time when media plays an increasingly powerful role in shaping peoples viewpoints on political issues, Soliya provides students with the opportunity, skills, and tools to shape and articulate their own viewpoints on some of the most pressing global issues facing their generation.

A cross-cultural team of young leaders drawn from over 25 different countries facilitates Soliya's Connect Program. To prepare these facilitators to fulfill their role, Soliya offers an eighteen hour facilitation training course, via Soliya's custom-made web-conferencing application. The training provides facilitators with transferable collaborative leadership and conflict resolution skills that they can use both via Soliya's programs, and in other contexts at a local, regional, and global level.



New York, NY, USA


