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St. Augustine Initiative for Compassion

St. Augustine, FL, USA

Partners P-T

St. Augustine Initiative for Compassion (St Augustine, FL, USA)

We are individuals, organizations, and businesses committed to compassionate action and nurturing a culture of compassion in the St. Augustine community.  The document known as the Charter for Compassion ( guides our efforts.

Our hope is that the Nation’s Oldest City will be declared a “Compassionate City” by the 450th Anniversary of its founding, and join a growing number of cities around the world with that designation.  

We are now an official candidate to become a Compassionate City and our goals are to:

create a culture of compassion throughout greater St. Augustine by raising awareness and consciousness through word and deed

link together groups and organizations in the greater St. Augustine area that are doing the work of compassion

engage people of faith and none whatsoever in events that promote compassion, civility, self-reflection, opportunities to agree to disagree, and efforts dedicated to enhancing the dignity and quality of life for all living in St. John’s County and beyond.

St. Augustine is full of people who live a “compassionate life,” and there are many organizations doing the work of compassion in our area.  We believe you are one of them and that you may be connected to an organization that would be interested in learning more about the Charter and the St. Augustine Initiative for Compassion.



St. Augustine, FL, USA 



Facebook page: Compassion St. Augustine

Twitter: CompassionStAug

Pinterest (Loads of interesting links here, designed to demonstrate what compassion is, and what it looks like in action)

Instagram: Compassion St. Augustine We use the hashtag #initiatecompassion

Compassion St. Augustine