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The BeingWell

London, United Kingdom

Partners P-T

The BeingWell (London, UK)

The BeingWell has a vision of a society where enhancing mental health is just as important as building physical fitness. Our mission is to widen access and availability of mindfulness taught by well qualified mindfulness teachers. We deliver high-quality mindfulness training to businesses and use profits to bring low-cost mindfulness to economically disadvantaged groups and not-for-profit organisations.


Our Goals

  1. Being and staying well: Teaching mindfulness as a healthy mind habit to support people’s overall wellbeing and to help them stay well even through adversity.
  2. Enlarging wellbeing services: Raising awareness of mindfulness and encouraging organisations to evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness as another resource for their employees and / or service users.
  3. Enabling social participation: Bringing mindfulness to marginalised groups. This could help prevent common mental health difficulties, which can limit people’s ability to work and participate fully economically and socially.
  4. Removing inequality of opportunity: Supporting communities so that economic disadvantage is not a barrier to people accessing mindfulness classes.
  5. Organisational excellence: To be the best that we can be in service of our clients and community. We do this by working in partnership with other organisations and experts, continuously  updating our knowledge, and reaching out to groups we believe we can make a difference to.



London, United Kingdom



Facebook page: My BeingWell