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The Compassionate Mind Foundation

Derby, United Kingdom

Partners P-T

The Compassionate Mind Foundation (Derby, United Kingdom)

We're an organisation that wants to help people to be happy.


Our Vision

Our vision is to help people become happier in their lives through better understanding of how they operate. Our mission is to undertake a peaceful revolution that will help individuals and organisations alike.


Our Services

We have a range of services that can be tailored to your needs: from one on one and small group delivery, right up to training for your entire organisation. And we are 100% passionate about delivering programs that bring about long term transformation.

Contact us to discuss all the ways mindfulness can benefit you and your organisation.

  • Keynote presentations on Mindfulness
  • Short, facilitated sessions that provide an introduction to Mindfulness
  • 8 week, face to face training on Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness Leadership training
  • Advice on Mindfulness course construction and facilitation
  • One on one Mindfulness mentoring



Sydney, Australia



Facebook page: Compassion Club AU