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The Dom Progact/the TARA Approach

Boulder, CO, USA

Partners P-T

The Dom Progact/the TARA Approach (Boulder, CO, USA)

The TARA Approach – Healing Shock and Trauma

Tools for Awakening Resources and Awareness: Ending Traumatic Repetition in Families, Communities and Worldwide

The TARA Approach is taught in hospitals, universities, social service agencies, domestic violence shelters, at midwifery schools, and wherever there is a need and an organizational structure to support its delivery. The TARA Studio in Eldorado Springs, Colorado, has been home base since the program’s inception in 1995. Small groups meet there for highly personalized mentorship and study with Dr. Mines. TARA Approach programs are currently ongoing in Colorado, Hawaii, Washington, Oklahoma, Oregon, Spain and Mexico, and rapidly spreading throughout the US and abroad.



Boulder, CO, USA



Tara Approach