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The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center

Highlands, NC, USA

Partners P-T

The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, Inc. (Highlands, NC, USA)

Located on 4,200-foot high granite cliffs on the Eastern Continental Divide in the Blue Ridge Mountains, we offer a unique opportunity – come refresh your spirit in the natural beauty of a mountaintop.
Founded by Unitarian Universalists in 1979, The Mountain is a non-profit year-round ecologically conscious retreat and learning center serving businesses, non-profits, schools, churches and other groups.



An exemplary retreat, camp & learning center that celebrates Unitarian Universalist principles, inspires people of all ages, transforms lives, and builds a more compassionate world.



The Mountain enriches lives, fosters an appreciation of the natural world, honors the interconnectedness of all things, and inspires people to build inclusive, meaningful, sustainable communities throughout their lives.


Core Values

  • The inherent worth and dignity of every individual
  • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth
  • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
  • The right of conscience and the use of democratic process
  • The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all
  • Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part



Highlands, NC, USA



The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center


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Press Release – Trustees Protest HB2

The Board of Trustees of The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center raises its collective voice in unanimous opposition to the enactment of HB2 by the North Carolina legislature and Governor McCrory.

Officially known as the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, the legislation is also known as the “Charlotte Bathroom Bill.” With this legislation, North Carolina has taken a step backward in guaranteeing its citizens an open and welcoming environment where they are free to be who they are without the fear of discrimination.

The Mountain, founded on Unitarian Universalist principles, stands for the fundamental values of justice, equity, and compassion in human relations. We embrace diversity and are committed by religious principles to the inherent worth and dignity of every person. This legislation, intended to limit rights of transgender citizens, also has the potential to reverse protections previously granted all citizens. North Carolina’s recent actions invoke the state’s darker segregation era when a large part of its citizenry was demonized as “different” and denied common human rights.

We are saddened that some in North Carolina’s religious community have supported this discriminatory legislation. We implore people of all faiths to open their hearts with love and acceptance to the difficult paths we all travel in life. We know that by walking hand in hand we make the world a better place.

In addition, HB2 is jeopardizing North Carolina’s business community needlessly. The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center, despite its strong opposition to North Carolina’s misguided legislation, may itself be hurt financially by HB2. A long-standing client has indicated that they anticipate cancelling their events with us. To protest HB2, they will not hold their events in North Carolina as long as the law is in place. Others are likely to follow.

On moral and business grounds, we demand that the North Carolina legislature and governor reverse this discriminatory and unconstitutional legislation without delay.


Respectfully submitted

The Board of Trustees of The Mountain Retreat and Learning Center 3872 Dillard Road Highlands, NC 28741



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