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The Patient is U Foundation

Essex, CT, USA

Partners P-T

The Patient is U Foundation (Essex, CT, USA)

The Patient is U is a non-profit foundation based in Connecticut with a mission to improve the level of compassionate care in the healthcare system, empower caregivers and patients to expect compassionate care and support, improve the patient experience and personalize the patient-provider relationship.


Our Mission

  • To take care of patients as if you or your loved one is the patient.
  • To enhance humanism and offer solutions for caregivers.


Our Vision

  • To support design of an inclusive healthcare system in which each person is treated as if the Patient is U (or a beloved family member) at all levels and in all encounters.


Our Values

  • Put patients’ and families’ concerns first
  • Honor the trust patients and families place in health care providers
  • Commit to honest engagement between providers, patients, and families
  • As providers, be thorough in our work, devoted to our profession, and available to our patients
  • Collaborate with respect and share information with the care team, patients, and families
  • Compassionate care is every patient’s right
  • Ensure that compassionate care makes a meaningful, measurable difference in outcomes
  • We believe that compassionate care is every patient’s right regardless of race, color, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, or military status. We further believe that compassionate care promotes health equity and social justice.


We shall accomplish our mission by: 

  • Empowering providers to incorporate compassion and empathy in their care
  • Educating patients that they deserve to be treated with compassion and empathy
  • Recognizing compassionate and empathetic care providers


We shall accomplish our vision by:

  • Engaging stakeholders to provide evidence of the benefits of compassionate and empathetic care
  • Demonstrating how this approach to care saves money and improves patient outcomes 



Essex, Conneticut, USA



The Patient is U