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Transition Plymouth

Plymouth, DEV, United Kingdom

Partners P-T

Transition Plymouth (Plymouth, DEV, UK)

About the Transition Movement

The Transition movement started with Transition Town Totnes. It’s all about adapting to a future that is radically different from today. Based on ideas from Permaculture it has been observed that when natural systems change rapidly, some species thrive whilst others become extinct. Thriving is more likely in situations where there are elements such as strong community links with mutual assistance, a good supply of locally produced food, grass roots organisations where power is horizontal, an increasing reliance on sustainable clean energy to mitigate Climate Change and much more. It has now grown into a worldwide movement.


How Transition Plymouth Started

Transition Plymouth started with an open meeting on 19th June 2009 at the Roland Levinsky building of Plymouth University. Transition Network's Ben Bragwyng was an invited guest and guide for our first two meetings along with Plymothians. Different ways of approaching sustainability were discussed.

The initiative continued to hold monthly open meetings for a year. From its beginning it was an open process trying to work as horizontally and inclusively as possible, learning to use consensus as a way to take participatory decisions.

After a rich and challenging first year and having decided part of its basic principles, it was agreed to form a 'Planning' group which meets monthly and is open to anyone who agrees with the Transtition Plymouth aims and objectives. The planning group is committed to maintain, support and coordinate the initiative in Plymouth and today has 4 members.

We also have working groups for Education and Food Waste and we are reviving the Food Group ...with your help! What are your interests? What would you like to be involved with? What do you feel passionate about? Please get in contact and let us know.



Transition Plymouth aims to manage resources in an increasingly sustainable manner, empowering us, the citizens of Plymouth to improve our quality of life and community.



  • To educate people and organisations in Plymouth on Climate Change and Peak Oil
  • To support community actions concerning Climate Change and Peak Oil
  • To promote and support the alternatives to fossil fuel dependency and nuclear power
  • To encourage a fair/ethical and low carbon local economic system
  • To support environmental well-being
  • To encourage the production of locally produced food
  • To support and engage with other transition groups
  • To work together with other groups and organisations, as appropriate, to develop and implement an Energy Descent Action Plan for Plymouth and its environs
  • To challenge developments, behaviours and practices that are against our aims and objectives
  • To seek a nuclear-free Plymouth



Plymouth, DEV, United Kingdom



Transition Plymouth

Facebook page: Plymouth in Transition