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UN Youth and Student Association of Liberia

Monrovia, Liberia 

Partners U-Z

United Nations Youth and Student Association of Liberia (Monrovia, Liberia)

The United Nations Youth and Student Association of Liberia is a youth run Non-governmental, NonProfit making organization that is dedicated to promoting the Core Values of the UN.



UNYSAL vision is to help the United Nations realize global governance, which breeds world peace.UNYSAL is also geared toward promoting the ideals and aims of the United Nations and to promote youth participation in the decision-making process of Liberi


What does the organization do?

UNYSAL strives to establish a model United Nations, organize youth debates, youth empowerment through agriculture and technical programs, conferences on youth-led initiatives, and as well promotes the MDGs in Liberia.We also educate young people about the works of the United Nations and enable them have their voices heard at every United Nations conference, meetings and activities. generally, UNYSAL works to promote the works of the United Nations and train young people to serve as a model United Nations in Liberia


Opportunities for Youth

UNYSAL have earmarked the followings as opportunities that the youth and students ofLiberia can benefit from. They include educational package for youth and students, internships, trainings in leadership and public speaking, foreign exchange programs, international travels, scholarships, and youth representation at major stakeholder meetings and or conferences.



Monrovia, Liberia 
