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Up with Community

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Partners U-Z

Up with Community (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)


Up with Community (UCO) is a non-government organization, working in mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar. The organization was started to help society towards improved living standards and sustainable social services free for all forms of poverty and diseases. 



To eliminate poverty and help the population living below the poverty line through capacity building, create general life awareness, facilitate entrepreneurship skills, promote volunteerism and encourage social accountability.



To sensitize communities on health issues such as HIV/AIDS, cholera, and sexually transmitted diseases, particularly on prevention measures.

To raise environmental awareness through environmentally friendly farming and forestation, natural resource conservation, alternative uses of solar and uses of biogas for heating and lighting.

To advocate for Social Service improvements such as school, infrastructures and water supply to the communities through provision of education, provision of education materials, provide school fees and rehabilitation of children under difficult circumstances such as disabled, orphans and mentally disabled.

To raise awareness in communities on various economic activities such agriculture and trade through promoting agricultural inputs support, giving priority to cash crops, food crops, livestock and bee keeping.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania