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Villa Decius

Krakow, Poland

Partners U-Z

Villa Decius (Krakow, Poland)

At the base of all programmes of the Villa Decius Association lies the idea of meetings of representatives from various fields of science and culture from all over the world. Through exchange of ideas and thoughts, they can explore mutual stimuli for creative work and advocate pluralism and dialogue in public life. Villa Decius programmes are also addressed to managers and entrepreneurs working at the point of contact between different cultures. Many interdisciplinary projects of Villa provide for a multifaceted outlook on the role of culture in the contemporary world, issues of international cultural cooperation and methods of cultural management and its financing.

In its programmes Villa Decius gives an important place to the role of the writer and translator in social dialogue, to European integration, the protection of cultural heritage, the issues of ethnic minorities and the development of tolerance.



Krakow, Poland
