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We, The World

New York, NY, USA

Partners U-Z

We, The World (New York, NY, USA)

WE is a Consciousness, a Campaign, and a Collaboration of people, organizations and social change movements from around the world.
WE Consciousness: WE promotes making a shift from "I" to "WE" in our individual actions and attitudes and in our societal priorities and policies.

WE Campaign: WE is an ongoing Awareness and Action Campaign; four WE Action Campaigns per year with culminating Global Public Events every 3 months. WE will Inspire, Inform and Involve millions of people through in solutions to:

  • Ensure basic human needs and well being worldwide
  • Restore healthy eco-systems and environmental stewardship
  • Create a culture of peace and nonviolence - from individuals to nation-states.


WE Collaboration - The WE Network,, provides a vehicle for connection, interaction and opportunity for unprecedented cooperation between people, organizations and movements. Utilizing advanced technology and intuitive web design, Partners of WE consisting of thousands of organizations and a mass movement of people create an ever-expanding social change network essential for a world that works for all.

Imagine 4 times a year, groups like MoveOn, Greenpeace and Amnesty International coordinating their action campaigns with hundreds of other global organizations, thousands of smaller groups and millions of people around the world, shifting societal consciousness and creating political will.

We, The World has developed the Strategic Alliances and has the team to achieve that level of global collaboration and effectiveness. In 2004, We, The World launched 11 Days of Global Unity which now annually has more than 700 associated events in over 60 countries. WE Campaign is based on the successful model of 11 Days of Global Unity Campaign.



New York City



Facebook page: The We Campaign