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Women for Peace & Gender Equality Initiative

Abeokuta, Nigeria

Partners U-Z

Women for Peace & Gender Equality Initiative (Abeokuta, Nigeria)

Investing in women and girls to accelerate socio-economic and political development through peaceful and equitable, inclusive and just society.


Our Mission

To provide women and girl’s with critical knowledge, skills and opportunities effectively in sustainable development and governance of their communities, societies and actively engaging women as agent of social change through information sharing, capacity building and advocacy.

The organization particularly works among women, men, boys and girls. The body is actively engaged in empowering girls and women with skills that enhance gender equality and protect and promote women’s rights. Also, it is engaged in training women and girls in economic, health, educational, social and political activities concurrently with the creation of awareness of Human rights violations, especially violence against women and girls. It trains school girls in mechanisms that promote girls' enrollment, participation, retention and completion of primary and secondary education. Nonetheless, the organisation is committed to promoting the ideology activities, values, ideas and principles of the Commonwealth.



Abeokuta, Nigeria

