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Yoga 4 Classrooms

La Conner, Washington, USA

Partners U-Z

Yoga 4 Classrooms (Dover, NH, USA)

Yoga 4 Classrooms is a low-cost, simple, effective, and sustainable school program, grounded in mind-body practices and addressing the whole child by fostering students' physical and psychological well-being.

Yoga 4 Classrooms is anchored in well-validated classroom pedagogies, developmental science, cross-sectional research in cognitive affective neuroscience, tenets of positive psychology and secular contemplative practices.


Yoga 4 Classrooms Mission

It is our mission to transform educational environments through yoga-based wellness training and support. We empower students and educators to create positive, peaceful, productive classrooms that support exceptional learning and a lifetime of health and wellness.


Y4C Goals

The goal of Y4C® is to create peaceful, learning-ready, productive classroom environment through the systematic use of preventive mind-body tools grounded in yoga and mindfulness practices.  Y4C provides the school with an easy-to-use, cost-effective, sustainable solution to improve students’ focus and readiness to learn, while positively transforming the school culture. Click here to learn more about our goals and objectives.


Y4C Curriculum

The Y4C curriculum is focused on physical, social, emotional, and attentional self-regulating strategies and skills, developed to systematically cultivate well-being, resilience and lifelong learning.

Y4C features 67 yoga and mindfulness-based activities, divided into six categories: Let’s Breathe, At Your Desk, Stand Strong, Loosen Up, Imagination Vacation, and Be Well. Each activity includes illustrated instructions, discussion points, sub-activities, and educational tie-ins, for a total of more than 200 beneficial classroom practices.

The activities were specially chosen for their suitability for the typical classroom space and schedule and can be simple and sustainably implemented in a variety of contexts. That means all activities can be done standing beside or sitting at desks, while bodies remain off the floor, away from dirt, germs and chemicals. Y4C includes a mix of yoga postures, brain boosting movements, breath exercises, visualizations, mindfulness activities, creative movement and community-building games. Wellness, positive psychology and character-building discussion points such as the power of positive thinking, nutrition, and being a peacemaker, address the whole child – physical, social and emotional, while improving learning-readiness – making this the most comprehensive program of its kind.

Yoga 4 Classrooms is easy for teachers and students to use, and helps to create a more harmonious, learning-friendly school day.  And its benefits go well beyond the classroom. Y4C provides children with important skills they can use in and out of the classroom for life long health and well-being. Absolutely anyone can use and benefit from the Y4C program – teachers, students, parents, therapists.

Y4C is self-sustaining as teachers continue to use the program with future groups of students, while the concepts are reinforced as students move up through the grades of the school. Once implemented, Y4C has the potential to positively impact overall school culture – that includes current and future students, teachers and other staff members, and even parents/families.

Though there are several worthy programs available, none are entirely suitable for the classroom environment and/or there is too much emphasis on yoga stretching and too little on addressing the whole child: social, emotional and physical. Y4C was developed to fill in the gaps, and simply and practically address the needs communicated by teachers, administrators and parents.

La Conner, Washington, USA