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Youth and Environment Vision

Mwanza, Tanzania

Partners U-Z

Youth and Environment Vision (Mwanza, Malawi)

Our History

The idea to establish a youth organization to deal with youth social-economical needs and environmental conservation started way back in 2010. The Founder Mr. Jonathan Kassibu was then a teacher at Bwiru Girls High School. At that same time, he was also a Patron for MALIHAI Club, Roots and shoots and YUNA clubs.

It was his engagement with youth and environment through the just mentioned clubs, Mr. Kassibu developed a dream of ensuring that someday in near future youth will be organized and facilitated in order to solve their socio-economic problems and play active role in environmental conservation.

To get his dream realized, Mr. Kassibu resigned as a full time teacher to dedicate his time to youth welfare. Amazingly! the organization that started in 2012 as a CBO with youth meetings in a classroom weekly has since grown from strength to strength to owning an office and equipment such as tailoring machines, computers and carpentry tools for training youth! Then In august 2018 YEV was registered as a national NGO. More over in 2019 our operation has been extended beyond mwanza region,thus we have opened up our branch office in Geita town council.

In the quest for its growth, the organization main drivers all along have been commitment and passion for youth affairs. YEV has also been inspired by Martin Luther King (jnr.) who famously said that,

"If you can’t fly, run, if you can’t run, walk, if you can’t walk, crawl, but whatever you do, you have to move forward."

That’s exactly what Youth & Environment Vision has been striving to do.



The implementation of the functions of YEV is vested in its Secretariat, which is comprised of the management and staff led by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr Jonathan Kassibu. The CEO reports to the Board of Directors in governance matters and is also a Secretary to the Members (BOD Meeting).

Additionally, the CEO maintains a relationship with the Development Partners, LGAs, Central Government, Private sector companies and other local CSOs in all matters related to funding, collaborative implementation and policy review and advocacy that needs joint efforts.

To get his dream realized, Mr. Kassibu resigned as a full time teacher to dedicate his time to youth welfare. Amazingly! the organization that started in 2012 as a CBO with youth meetings in a classroom weekly has since grown from strength to strength to owning an office and equipment such as tailoring machines, computers and carpentry tools for training youth! Then In august 2018 YEV was registered as a national NGO. More over in 2019 our operation has been extended beyond mwanza region,thus we have opened up our branch office in Geita town council.

The number of staff and structure of YEV in executing its functions and realizing the organization’s objectives and activities, is from time to time, determined by the Board of Directors.

Thus annual plans, annual reports and staff recruitment is approved by the Board of directors and presented to YEV AGM for authorization, this is regularly done each financial year.



To have highly empowered youth and highly restored environment for sustainable future of Tanzania.



Inspiring,educating,networking,advocating and empowering youth to enhance sustainable youth development and sustainable environmental conservation across the country.



To promote poverty alleviation among youth groups.

To improve health status among youth groups.

To promote and defend human rights among youth groups.

To Promote access and quality education among youth groups.

To promote good leadership and popular participation of youth, especially in civic engagement processes.

To promote Environmental conservation and protection across the country.

To promote climate change mitigation and adaptation across the country.

To promote gender equality among youth groups.

To promote Talents among youth groups. 

YEV receives volunteers from different parts of the globe, please if you have an interest to volunteer with us, drop your CV and application letter to the following email:




Mwanza, Tanzania

