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Race + Racism

Race + Racism

Race + Racism

Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

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Sex, Violence and The Male Warrior Hypothesis

Empathic Policing

Race Related Objects

KING: After Taking a Knee, Young Boys Saw their Football Coach Suspended then their Whole Season Canceled

Dutch Race Hate Row Engulfs Presenter Sylvana Simons

What I Said When My White Friend Asked for My Black Opinion on White Privilege

History of the North Carolina NAACP

4 Ways White Privilege Shows Up In Social Justice Movements

The Case for Reparations

Racism’s Cognitive Toll: Subtle Discrimination is more Taxing on the Brain

Letter to My Son

Go Back To China

Slavery’s Long Shadow

Celebrating Black Culture With a Careful Eye

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Letter From Birmingham Jail

What School Discipline Strategies Say About Race Relations in Today’s Schools



  • Race -- The Power of Illusion: Ten Things Everyone Should Know about Racism
  • The Origins of Racism
  • Roots of Racism


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