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Social Justice

Sector Team

Sector Team

Sector Team

Photo by Cody Pulliam on Unsplash

Todd porter

Todd Porter

Since 1995, Todd Porter has been designing optimal energy management for commercial buildings throughout the United States.  His leadership roles in Performance Assurance, Quality, and Research & Development led to the discovery that the biggest challenge isn’t technical.  It's incorporating change in ways that outlive the immediate initiative and achieve long-term impact.  In other words:  How do humans move from "enlightenment" to improved patterns that last?

To explore the dynamics of change in human systems, Mr. Porter completed Case Western’s masters program in Positive Organization Development.  This practical curriculum integrates the science of human development with the practice of organizing humans to work together toward common goals. This expertise in human organizing - combined with the creative skills embedded in his bachelors in Electrical Engineering and masters in music - accords Todd a unique combination of expertise: relational, artistic, and technical. 

Combining these areas over the past decade, Mr. Porter has led compassionate communication workshops based on Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication: a Language of Life.  His presentations have equipped professional, community, and faith-based groups that include large suburban school district leaders, university interview officers, movers and shakers within the Wild Goose Festival and other 501(c)(3) organizations, church staff and municipal leaders, and participants in a variety of regional and national conferences.

The conviction underlying all of Todd’s work is that empathic connection between human beings enables us to create the world we long for:  a world in which everyone has what they need.  His work with Charter for Compassion's Social Justice sector is a contribution to that goal.

Nancy E. Murphy

Nancy E. Murphy, MA

Nancy’s current role is serving as the liaison between the Charter for Compassion and Compassionate St. Augustine. Educated through lived experiences, faith exploration, family, friends and communities, and formally by School Sisters of Notre Dame, Sisters of Loretto, the Jesuit community and Saint Louis University, Nancy is committed to life-long learning. Initially exposed to the study of compassion in 2020, she has been pursuing compassionate studies through courses and active engagement with the Charter for Compassion and Compassionate St. Augustine.  

Nancy’s life’s work to date has included a high level of caring and compassion with strong foci on belonging, collaboration, diversity, inclusion, and racial and environmental justice. She is eager to increase and apply her knowledge, skills, and abilities to model and promote compassion in her communities and in our world.  

In her study of compassion, Nancy is learning that self-awareness is not selfish. Mindful self compassion is an essential element in developing and fostering compassion. Our golden rule dictates treating others as we wish to be treated. Knowing and being able to articulate how we wish to be treated are critical. Upon knowing how we wish to be treated, we can share our offerings and expectations. Nancy offers to treat you with compassion; she expects to be treated with compassion as well. 

Pattie Williams

Pattie Williams is a community volunteer focusing on racial justice and equity. With over 10 years of experience working alongside other community members, Pattie’s focus is community cohesion. She is Charter for Compassion Social Justice Lead and was initiator and co=founder of Compassion Fayetteville, USA. She uses her positive attitude and ongoing commitment to social justice to encourage others to commit to developing personal awareness of past and present individual, institutional, and systemic racism and to moving into action to address racist policies. Pattie specializes in facilitating conversations, team planning and implementation as well as connecting individuals and initiatives. Pattie is inspired daily by her husband. She enjoys reading, watching basketball, travelling and being with friends and family including the recent addition of a second great grandchild.


Antoinette “Rootsdawtah” Hall

Antoinette “Rootsdawtah” Hall is a world-renowned keyboardist in the Reggae Industry and in 2019 the United Religions Initiative (URI)-Africa appointed the renowned reggae musicians Pato Banton & Antoinette Rootsdawtah as Goodwill Ambassadors of the Golden Rule.

She became involved in the Spiritual Community after working with Pato Banton and joining on his Mission of Spreading the Good News that “we’re all God’s Children, brothers & sisters.”

Since then she has become very proactive in Global Outreach Ministry, which includes the Urantia Movement, U-Day Thailand, Parliament of the World’s Religions,, Harvard Divinity School & most recently, a presentation for the Convergence Gathering at the United Nations Chapel in New York. Antoinette’s spiritual communities also include, Minister Pato Banton, Urantia Aspirations, Ministers For Christ Michael, Daughter’s of the Divine Mother, Unity Earth, URI Multiregion and COEXIST! Her present musical works include the “Thoughts of Paradise” Meditation CD, “The Words Of Christ” “Words of Rastafari” & the “Joyful and Happy” soundtrack which is featured in the spiritually motivated documentary called “Return to Happiness.”


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