Apodaca is a Mexican city, located in the state of Nuevo León and head of the municipality of the same name. It is part of the metropolitan area of Monterrey, located at the eastern end of the conurbation. It has a population of 536,436 inhabitants according to INEGI data in 2020, which makes it the 3rd most populous city in Nuevo León behind Monterrey and Guadalupe and the 32nd most populous city in Mexico.
Focus Areas
- Green City - Ciudad verde
- Close City - Ciudad cercana
- Equalitarian City - Ciudad igualitaria
Our Goals
- Have 8.5 m2 of green areas per inhabitant.
- Seek solutions to environmental problems through community involvement.
- Promote the care and conservation of the environment.
- Promote values for all children.
- Equality in men and women.
Visit the Apodaca Facebook Page.