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Affirmed Cities

Bandung, Indonesia

Bandung, capital of Indonesia’s West Java province, is Indonesia's third largest city. It is set amid volcanoes and tea plantations. It's known for colonial and art deco architecture, a lively, university-town feel and – thanks to its 768m elevation – relatively cool tropical weather. Bandung is also a shopping destination, with fashion outlets clustered along Jalan Setiabudi and Jalan Riau and in the Dago district.

The Charter for Compassion was signed in 2014 and the introduction and film (in English with Indonesian script) talks about the Bandung Compassionate movement.

Pada 27 September 2014, Bandung resmi dideklarasikan sebagai Kota Welas Asih oleh Walikota Ridwan Kamil bersama Haidar Bagir dari Charter of Compassionate City Indonesia dan Irfan AmaLee dari Peace Generation Indonesia.

Salah satu programnya yaitu menjadikan hari Minggu sebagai #MingguBerbagi atau #CompassionateSunday.



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