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Affirmed Cities

Brattleboro, Vermont, USA

The Brattleboro Vermont area has long been associated with social justice and activism. In early 2017, a group of citizens associated with the Brattleboro Area Interfaith Initiative petitioned for a referendum asking the people of Brattleboro to support officially becoming a Compassionate Community. On March 7, the voters overwhelmingly approved that referendum. And on May 2, the Brattleboro Selectboard unanimously passed a resolution committing the Town government to act in accordance with the principles outlined in the Charter for Compassion. There is now an active committee working intentionally to put compassion into action in the Brattleboro area using existing resources and organizational strength.

Please contact Compassion Story for more information or to get involved!


BCTV Open Studio:

Compassionate Brattleboro - Seeking to Bring the Charter to Life in Our Town.

Active Members of Compassionate Brattleboro James Levinson and Douglas Cox talk about seeking to bring the Charter to Life in our town.



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